- lifelong psychologic disorder
- 终生 all one's life; throughout o ...
- 精神障碍 dysphrenia; alloeosis; alleo ...
- 精神障碍 dysphrenia; mental disorder; mental disturbance; mental retardation; mixed hysterical somatic-psychological disorders; phrenoblabia; psychogenia; psychogeny; psychonosema
- 精神障碍者 mentally disturbed
- 部分精神障碍 partial mental aberration; partial psychogenia
- 单纯精神障碍 cacergasia; kakergasia
- 短时精神障碍 brief psychotic disorder
- 急性精神障碍 acute mental disorder; acute phrenoblabia
- 轻度精神障碍 paraphora; vecordia
- 神经精神障碍 neuropsychiatric disorders
- 所致精神障碍 mental disorders due to hepatolenticular degeneration(wilson is disease)
- 精神障碍, 心理障碍 psychological block
- 非精神性精神障碍 nonpsychotic mental disorder
- 精神障碍, 精神发生 psychogeny
- 苯丙胺性精神障碍 amphetamine psychosis
- 病所致精神障碍 mental disorders due to huntington is disease; mental disorders due to pick is diseasf
- 单相性精神障碍 unipolar disorders
- 儿童期精神障碍 mental disorder in childhood
- 分享性精神障碍 shared psychotic disorder
- 感应性精神障碍 induced psychotic disorder
- 酒精所致精神障碍 mental disorders due to use of alcohol
- 老年性精神障碍 presbyophrenia; wernickes syndromee
- 脑瘤所致精神障碍 mental disorders due to brain tumor
- 脑器质性精神障碍 psychogeny associated with brain disease
- 内源性精神障碍 endogenomorphic mental disorder