In current society , the rate of mental diseases becomes more and more high and mental disorder criminals also increase 摘要当今社会,精神疾患比率越来越高,精神障碍者犯罪也呈上升趋势。
Difficulties identified by this study were the integration of specialties , limits of medical insurance reimbursement , and few employment opportunities 结论:由本研究之经验得知,完整的支持性职业复健模式对精神障碍者之成功就业是必要的。
The purposes of this study are to assess the weight capacity of clients with psychosocial disabilities and to exam the test - retest reliability of the weight capacity assessment 摘要目的:精神障碍者在求职中的操作表现或执行日常生活的功能上,其负重能力之好坏,常扮演一重要之角色。
A person in charge of another who is a minor or subject to mental disability is liable for damage caused by the other unless the person in charge shows that he has conformed to the required standard of conduct in supervision 未成年人或精神障碍者的照管者,对其所照管的人引起的损害负责,除非照管者能够证明其照管行为遵守了所要求的标准。
Regarding clinical research involving individuals who by reason of mental disorders are not capable of giving adequately informed consent , institutional review board should ensure that , such persons will not be subjects of research that might equally well be carried out on persons whose capacity to give adequately informed consent is not impaired ; the purpose of the research is to obtain knowledge relevant to the particular health needs of persons with mental disorders ; the consent of each subject has been obtained to the extent of that person ' s capabilities , and a prospective subject ' s refusal to participate in research is always respected , unless , in exceptional circumstances , there is no reasonable medical alternative and local law permits overriding the objection ; and , in cases where prospective subjects lack capacity to consent , permission is obtained from a legally authorized representative in accordance with applicable law 对于涉及因精神障碍而不能给予充分知情同意受试者的临床研究,伦理委员会应该确保:在给予充分知情同意能力没有受损的人身上能同样好地进行研究,这类人就不能成为受试者;研究的目的是为获得有关精神障碍者特有的健康需要的知识;已获得与每位受试者能力程度相应的同意,可能的受试对象拒绝参加研究应始终受到尊重,除非在特殊情况下,没有合理的医疗替代方法,并且当地法律允许不考虑拒绝;如果可能的受试对象没有能力同意,应获得其法定代理人的许可。
During the process of investigation and interrogation , it is necessary to analyze their criminal motive and their recognition to their crimes , to judge whether their behavors fit for the characterteristics of mental disorder criminals and to deal with the case according to the laws through the criminals ' declaration 在侦查讯问过程中,通过犯罪嫌疑人对其犯罪的供述,分析其犯罪动机及其他们对犯罪的认识问题,来判断是否符合精神障碍者犯罪的特点,并依据法律的规定和要求对案件进行处理,是非常必要的。