During anaphase i of meiosis pairs of chromatids still connected at their centromere move to the spindle poles 在减数分裂后期i中,由于纺锤丝的牵引,使成对的同源染色体各自发生分离,并分别向两极移动。
During anaphase ii the centromeres divide and single chromatids are drawn toward the poles , thus sister chromatids are separated 在减数分裂后期ii ,每条染色体的两个染色单体随着着丝点的分裂而彼此分开,由纺锤丝牵向两极。
After the heat shocking was released , the spindles reformed in about 72 . 8 % of the observed activated eggs and did not in the others 观察解除热休克后被处理卵子纺锤体恢复情况,发现有72 . 8的激活卵在解除休克后6min内恢复有丝分裂器, 27 . 2的卵子内未出现纺锤丝和纺锤体。