This is an ideal spindle tree system . 这是一种理想的纺锤形植株方式。
The layer spindle was an early development . 层式纺锤形是早期发展起来的。
The distal end of the kinetochore tubule is firmly embedded in the pole . 着丝点微管的末端牢牢地埋入纺锤极。
Plantations of slender spindles are an example of such optimum density conditions . 细长纺锤形栽植就是这种最适密度条件下的一个例证。
In these cells, one's attention is drawn to the spindle pole, its nature, and function . 在这些细胞中,纺锤极的性质和功能是值得注意的。
The plane of cell division is, in turn, determined by the orientation of the mitotic spindle . 细胞分裂的方向又是由有丝分裂的纺锤体所确定。
The spindle method of training apple and pear trees was developed in germany in the 1930's . 苹果和梨的纺锤形整枝方法,是三十年代在德国发展起来的。
This, originally, continued, "with his tail shut down like a hasp" ; but of this latter phrase twain's friend and adviser w.d.howells wrote in the margin of the manuscript, "awfully good but a little dirty" . 这段描写最初后面还接续着“尾巴夹在腿中间象个纺锤”,不过马克吐温的朋友兼顾问豪尔斯为这句话在底稿边缘空白上写道:“好得很,只是有点不雅。
These form the poles of the developing spindle 星体形成正在发育的纺锤体的两极。
Ray tracheid walls smooth or with minute dentations 木射线具单列射线和纺锤状射线。