Using differential equation to get the sum of ordinary series with function term 用常微分方程求几类常见的函数项级数的和
A sufficient and necessary factor of the sum continuum of the progression of complex function 复变函数项级数的和连续的一个充要条件
Definition the infinite series converges and has sum if the sequence of partial sums converges to , that is . if diverges , then the series diverges . a divergent series has no sum 定义如果级数的部分和数列有极限,即,则称无穷级数收敛,这时极限叫做这级数的和,并写成;如果没有极限,则称无穷级数发散。
The essay provides a probability solution to a kind of infinite progression , and intends to popularize it that this text will introduce in documents [ 1 ] , providing [ 1 ] the answer of hitting the leftover problem 摘要文献[ 1 ]中给出了一类求无穷级数的和的概率解法,文章介绍了一种推广,并给出[ 1 ]中遗留的一类求多重积分极限问题的解答。
The relations between the rearrangement of the coefficients of a dirichlet series and the order of growth of this series sum - functions were investigated . the rearrangement characteristics of two type of the dirichlet series2 sum - function with the same order of growth ( = + or = 0 ) were obtained 本文在文[ 7 ]的基础上研究dirichlet级数的系数的重排与此级数的和函数的增长级的关系,获得了使两类dirichlet级数的和的和函数的增长级保持0或+不变的重排的特征。