Convergence and divergence of infinite series depend upon this concept . 无穷级数的收敛性与发散性与此概念有关。
We will not go into detail about fourier series, but will simply look at one example . 我们将不涉及付里叶级数的细节,而将只考察一个例子。
The fourier transform is an integral expression for a fourier series applied to an infinitely long signal . 傅里叶变换式是对博里叶级数的一种积分表达式。
Macarthur surmised that competition equations should be considered as first elements of a taylor series . 麦克阿瑟推测,竟争方程应被看作为泰勒级数的首要元素。
The maximum count of a combination counter is thus a function of the number of stages of the binary and feedback counters . 组合计数器的最大数值是二进制计数器和反馈计数器的级数的函数。
Another problem that mathematicians tackled from about 1880 on is essentially the converse of finding asymptotic series . 大概从1880年开始,数学家们研究的另一个问题本质上是求渐近级数的反问题。
Exceptional function of a general random taylor series 一般随机泰勒级数的例外函数
On two theorems of hyperspherical series on banach space 空间中超球级数的两个定理
The liner growth of 2 - dimension b - valued dirichlet series 级数的线性增长性
On the qualities of index type hyper spherical series 关于指数型超球级数的几个性质