An english science-fiction writer, proposed that meaned "stationary" satellites be used to relay and broadcast electromagnetic communication signals . 有位英国科幻小说家曾提议使用“固定不动的”人造卫星来转播及广播电磁通迅信号。
So , what other sci - fi writers are you into 那么,你还对哪些其它的科幻小说家感兴趣?
Science fiction writer william gibson used the word cyberspace to describe the place of exchanging masses of information electronically 科幻小说家威廉吉布森用网络天地来形容电子方式交换大量资讯。
Human cells raised in petri dishes , and infected with toxoplasma , will respond to drugs like haloperidol ; the growth of the parasite stops 关于寄生虫,特别是外星寄生虫入侵人类大脑的故事,早已成为国内外科幻小说家们热衷的题材之一。
You ll plunge to the bottom of the sea , encountering shipwrecks and mysterious creatures . and you ll journey to the depths the earth where the only escape route lies through an active volcano 欢迎来到名科幻小说家儒勒凡尔纳的创想世界,一场未知的探险之旅正等著您来接受挑战
Schizophrenia is also associated withdamageto astrocytes . pregnant women with high levels of antibodies to toxoplasmaaremore likely to give birth to children who willdevelopschizophrenia 关于寄生虫,特别是外星寄生虫入侵人类大脑的故事,早已成为国内外科幻小说家们热衷的题材之一。