

  • scientific tourism



  • 例句与用法
  • Official site for the german federal government . includes information about the chancellor , press releases and background information
  • The programme of national geopark in china is put forward to implement the work report of national geopark programme in response of unesco geopark programme put forward by unesco in 1999 , which make national geopark into the standardized orbit . national geopark is mainly composed of geological relic with special scientifical meaning and scarcity and the value of esthetics appreciation , blending with other natural and human landscape into a special area ; which is a kind of natural park aimed at protecting geological relic and developing scientifical tourism and overreaching earth science knowledge and promote sustainable development in local economy and culture and natural environment . by now , our country has publicized and named three groups and 138 national geoparks totally
  • This paper summarizes the distribution law and basic features of karst caves in zhejiang province , gives a brief introduction to the specific characteristics of 8 main karst caves , and maintains that scientific tourism is the only way for the sustainable development of tourist industry of karst cave scene : exploitation of karst caves tourist resources is still in the primary stage ; individual and combinative characteristics of every karst cave scene must be made prominent ; leaders of government at different levels as well as people in charge of karst cave scene should lay stress not only on economic benefit but also on societal benefit ; main operation stags of scientific tourism ; requirement of improving tourism taste will further development of tourism resources of karst cave
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