Magic ceases to interest us where the relation of the means to ends assumes the definiteness and certainty of a scientific demonstration . 当手段与结果之间的关系表现为一种科学论证的确切性和肯定性时,我们就不会再对魔力感兴趣。
That ' s scientifically proven 那是得到科学论证的
Later , we interviewed the person who developed the machine in order to obtain a more scientific view on these results and interpretations 后来,为了对这测试的结果和分析取得更多的科学论证,我们采访了开发这仪器的人。
To help with answering them , the following list rebuts some of the most common “ scientific ” arguments raised against evolution 为了协助大家答覆创造论者的问难,本文列举了15个他们针对演化最常提出的科学论证,对这些瞎说详加驳斥。
At present , it is generally accepted , although more as a self - evident statement than on the base of a closely - reasoned scientific proof 目前,这一观点已被人普遍接受,但只是作为一种不言自明的说法,而不是经过严格推理的科学论证而被接受的。
The confucius temple once was rebuilt in qing dynasty ( a . d . 1869 ) but was serious fired and destroyed by the japanese aggresser troops in 1937 1984年,市、区人民政府为保护古都文化遗产,经有关专家科学论证和规划,几度拨专款,历数年的精心维修和复建。
Major projects of exploitation of cultural relics must go through adequate scientific authentication in advance and strict formalities of examination and approval to avoid destructive exploitation of cultural relics 重大的文物利用项目要事前进行充分的科学论证,严格履行审批手续,避免对文物的破坏性利用。
Recently years , scholars had found that the traditional chinese medicine had the function to regulate the immune function and anti - virus by rigorous study 近年来,国内外学者通过大量的筛选和严格的科学论证,发现中药在调节机体免疫功能、抗病毒方面有着较大的潜力,被认为是寻找新的抗艾滋病药物的一条切实可行的途径。
Article 39 reclaiming unused land shall go through scientific argumentation and evaluation and can proceed according to law after approval within the reclaimable areas demarcated in the general plans for the utilization of land 第三十九条开垦未利用的土地,必须经过科学论证和评估,在土地利用总体规划划定的可开垦的区域内,经依法批准后进行。
Because it is a systematic work and involves many people ' s interests and conflict , it is difficult to implement and therefore needs complete research and scientific conclusion 由于省级区划改革是一个牵一发而动全身的系统工程,必然会带来复杂的利益重组和冲突,因此改革将遇到的困难和阻力可想而知,这就需要充分研究、科学论证,有计划有步骤地逐步推进。