- 论证 expound and prove
- 示教 teach
- 示教 teach◇示教方式 teach mode
- 论证 1.(论述过程) demonstration; proof 无可辩驳的论证 irrefutable proof2.(论述并证明) expound and prove [verify]3.(论据) argument; argumentation; 论证程序 demonstration program; 论证方式 way of argumentation; 论证过程 process of argumentation; 论证性 argumentation
- 示教板 demonstrator
- 示教法 lead-through teaching◇示教法编程 lead-through programming
- 示教镜 lecture scope
- 示教器 demonstrator
- 示教室 demonstration classroom
- 论证,推论 reasoning
- 论证;表明 demonstrate
- 论证的 argumentative
- 论证地 demonstratively
- 论证期 verification stage
- 论证性 argumentation
- 论证者 arguer; demonstrator
- 凭论证 demonstrably
- 型论证 deductive argument
- 支持;论证 argue for
- 暗示教学法 suggestive teaching method
- 教学镜,示教镜 lecture scope
- 逻辑示教机 logic trainer
- 目镜示教器 eyepiece demo trator; eyepiece demonstrator
- 内科示教室 internal medicine demonstration classroom
- 示教编程 teaching programming