真理 truth 绝对真理 absolute truth; 客观真理 objective truth; 相对真理 relative truth; 普遍真理 universal truth; 抽象真理 abstract truth; 永恒的真理 constant [eternal; everlasting] truth; 科学真理 scientific truth; 坚持真理, 修正错误 uphold the truth and correct mistakes; 探求真理 seek after truth; 真理的光辉 the light of truth; 真理面前, 人人平等。 everyone is equal before the truth. 讲真理, 不讲面子。 keep to the truth and not spare the sensibilities of those who are criticized. 真理越辩越明, 真理不怕辩论。 truth does not fear contention. the more the truth is debated, the clearer it becomes
真理报 adevarul; al hakika; al haqika; alithea; aththa; attha; de waarheid; die wahrheit; eththa; etta; hakika al; hakikat; haqika al; haqkatha; igaszag; la razon; la verdad; la verite; pravda; runta; sadaquat; su that; tiesa; truth newspaper; ukweli; unen; unian; verdad la; verite la; waarheid de; wahrheit die; wahrheit, die
Discussing the relationship between observation and truth of science 观察与科学真理片议
Positivism and scientific truths 证实主义与科学真理
Thus one often reads that religion has made a claim in contradiction to scientific truth , theism is irrational 因此,人们经常看到这样的内容:宗教的主张和科学真理相抵触,有神论是非理性的。
Georgina ferry ' s biography captures not only the scientific advances made by perutz but also his curious personal qualities 乔治娜.法利所著的传记不仅记录了佩鲁茨获得的科学成就,还表现了他追求科学真理的优秀品质。
Scientific truth achieved the status of an absolute and the incessant pursuit and expansion of knowledge became the one recognized categorical imperative . 科学真理,具有不断追求扩张绝对学问的地位,已公认是绝对的驱策力
A teacher should have the courage not only to adhere to his own truth but also admit his mistake , and along his students , striving for scientific knowledge and truth 一个当老师的人,既要勇于坚持自己的真理,又要勇于承认自己的非真理,同学生们一道来为科学真理奋斗。
As lewis mumford has recently pointed out , the " pursuit of scientific truth " is overriding in the twentieth century ; and " in this pursuit of truth , the scientist has sanctified his own obligation of morality . . . Lewismumford最近指出,在廿世纪, "追求科学真理"太跋扈了, "为了追求真理,科学家已将自己的道德规范神圣化. .