

  • scientific test



  • 例句与用法
  • Centre for scientific analysis of antique artifacts csaaa
    古文物科学测试中心( csaaa )
  • Centre for protein science and crystallography
  • Only 47 % of those tested reached the basic level in history , and 54 % performed at all or above the basic level in science
    只有47 %的学生在历史测试中达到基本通过的水平,而54 %的学生在科学测试中处于或超过基本水平。
  • " we could change people ' s lives , " said prof mackey . " however , significantly more science and testing must be done before this can be considered a treatment for chronic pain .
  • The science test is a 40 - question , 35 - minute test that measures the skills required in the natural sciences : interpretation , analysis , evaluation , reasoning , and problem - solving
    科学测试为40题, 35分钟的测试,考察考生在自然科学知识方面的理解、分析、评估、推理和问题解决的能力。
  • Its gag stories included a secret research institute where kremlin candidates to succeed president vladimir putin undergo scientific testing , and plans for a parliament building where lawmakers " offices would boast a bar , a balcony and a
  • Its gag stories included a secret research institute where kremlin candidates to succeed president vladimir putin undergo scientific testing , and plans for a parliament building where lawmakers " offices would boast a bar , a balcony and a jacuzzi
  • Shangyu power capacitor co . , ltd is an appointed manufactory for power capacitor by ministry of mechanical building , and is also one of the first batch of recommendation products manufactory list for the construction and reform of city countryside powergrid in china . spcc is located in shangyu city of advantaged yangtze river delta with ningbo adjoined in the east , hangzhou in the west , wenzhou in the south and hangzhou bay in the north . spcc has a strong engineer team products with logical designing and advanced craft , scientific managerial approach and complete testing system
  • 推荐英语阅读
科学测试的英文翻译,科学测试英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译科学测试,科学测试的英文意思,科學測試的英文科学测试 meaning in English科學測試的英文科学测试怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
