产科学 maieutics; midwifery (pre-registration); o tetrics (a r. o. b.); ob (o tetrics); ob (obstetrics); obsterics; obstertrics; obstetrics (abbr. o. b.); obstrics; tictology; tocology; tokology
骨科学 orthopaedics and tranmstology; osteology; osteopathic medicine
Science is flourishing . 科学昌明。
Science and technology are alarming characters of our time . as a cultural phenomenon , science is a great achievement in human civilized history 我们处在一个科学昌明的时代。科学作为一种文化现象,是人类文明史上的一项丰功伟绩。
Also , it discusses the current status of interdisciplinary sciences in china today and suggests that our country has to make an all - out effort to advance them so as to introduce a national revival through their prosperity 主要论及到我国交叉科学发展状况,并建议国家要大力地发展交叉科学,使中国科学昌明、中华民族振兴。