

  • difference between species
  • interspecific difference
  • species difference



  • 例句与用法
  • Difference between species
  • That between varied bacteria other than between different families there lies much difference is contrary to that in plant world
  • There are no differences of soma size and cell density in the labeled neurons in the area x . the song control nuclei of emberiza rutila have more intense chat - li than that of fringilla montifringilla
    栗? hvc和ra内chat样免疫反应明显强于燕雀,表明鸣啭能力的不同与免疫反应的种间差异之间具有一定的相关性。
  • A comparative morphological study of male genitalia based on 22 species of 7 genera was conducted . the results show that the differentiation of the male genitalia between species is outstanding and can be used in the identification of some genera
  • The results showed that the nearer the relationship of the species , the more similar the zymograms . the zymograms difference between species in different genes is more obvious than ones in the same one . in addition , there is a certain difference between the zymograms of different strains of the same species from different ascocarps and places
  • In the immersed group , 3 species with perithecia obliquely immersed are located in same subgroup , and these species with perithecia vertical immersed in the other subgroup . in the not immersed group , all of species have perithecia not immersed or half immersed but c . ophioglossoides which grows on ellomyces and c . cantheraloides which has stroma as agaricus have
  • Some common features in identification , distribution and morphor of endocrine cells were found in 4 reptiles , which exist in digestive physiology and life habit . but the differences among 4 reptiles were also significant , which exist in the adaptability to feeding habit and life environment respectively of each reptiles
  • 推荐英语阅读
种间差异的英文翻译,种间差异英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译种间差异,种间差异的英文意思,種間差異的英文种间差异 meaning in English種間差異的英文种间差异怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
