

  • arrival time interval(Δtij)
  • dtoa
  • interal arrival time
  • interal,arrivaltime
  • interval arrival time (Δtij)
  • tdoa



  • 例句与用法
  • Due to a lot of inherent advantage of it , cdma has become the main multi access system for the 3 generation mobile communication system . the network - based tdoa location technique is the prevailing location technique in cdma system
    Cdma固有的诸多优点使其成为第三代移动通信系统的主流体制,基于网络的到达时间差( tdoa )定位是cdma系统中具有广阔前景的移动台定位技术。
  • Therefore , mobile location technique has become the core technology in wcdma network . the basic principle of the moving location technique and the leading location methods are introduced firstly , and comparing their respective advantages and disadvantages in accuracy , cost etc , and the factors affecting the accuracy of the methods are discussed as well ; secondly , aimed at the tdoa location technique , the mathematical model of tdoa hyperbolic equations is established , advantages and disadvantages of several tdoa location algorithms are analyzed in detail ; then , the basic mobile location technique , location method implementation , network architecture , signaling protocol and interface , location procedures and multiple accuracy location procedure of wcdma mobile location are analyzed and discussed in this thesis
    本文首先介绍了移动定位技术的基本原理和目前主要的定位技术,并对这些定位技术进行了比较,同时就影响移动定位精度的若干因素进行了详尽的讨论;针对目前采用最多的到达时间差( tdoa ,全称timedifferenceofarrival )定位技术,给出了tdoa双曲线方程组的数学模型,详细地分析了各种主要基于tdoa技术的定位算法的优缺点;然后对wcdma网络中的基本定位技术、定位实施方法、网络结构、信令协议、操作流程和多精度定位流程实施方法进行了分析和探讨。
  • Based on the configure of direction finding , the location method , algorithm , accuracy and performance for multistations and single station are studied in this thesis , and the computer simulation results are given out . it is important of resolving the performance of antenna array . a technique to estimate and calibrate the performance is developed in this page
  • Cellular wireless location service is a new mobile value - added service with a good market future . its basic principle is to implement mobile user location through estimating charactistics parameters relative to position , including time - of - arrival , time - difference - of - arrival , direction - of - arrival , ect
    蜂窝无线定位服务( lcs )是一种具有广阔市场前景的移动增值业务,其基本原理是利用现有蜂窝网络,通过对各种位置特征参数,包括到达时间( toa ) 、到达时间差( tdoa ) 、到达方向( doa )的测量和估计,从而实现移动用户的定位。
  • 推荐英语阅读
到达时间差的英文翻译,到达时间差英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译到达时间差,到达时间差的英文意思,到達時間差的英文到达时间差 meaning in English到達時間差的英文到达时间差怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
