- 种种 all sorts of; all kinds of; ...
- 种类 kind; class; description; ty ...
- 种种 all sorts of; all kinds of; a variety of 设置了种种障碍 put up all sorts of obstacles; 由于种种原因 for a variety of reasons; 用种种手段 by hook or by crook; resort to every means; resort to every trick; 凡此种种, 不一而足。 such instances are legion
- 种类 kind; class; description; type; variety 不同种类的刀具 cutters of different kinds; 种类繁多 a great variety
- 一种,种种 a variety of
- 种种,各种 a variety of
- 种种的 diverse; manifold; miscellaneou; multitudinous; myriad; several; varied
- 种种地 variedly
- 种种群 single population
- 一龙九种种种各别 a dragon begets nine offsprings each one different
- 种类物,种类 genus
- 纯种种子 pure seed
- 各种种样的 varied
- 模具种种 vaginal stent
- 物种种群 species population
- 一种种羊场 general stud
- 因种种理由 for a variety of reasons
- 因种种原因 for a variety of reasons
- 用种种方法 in a variety of ways
- 用种种手段 by hook or by crookresort to every meansresort to every trick
- 原因种种 reasons for leaving
- 原原种种子 breeder seed
- 杂种种子 hybrid seed
- 杂种种子园 hybridseed
- 种种标准 standards