

  • species population



  • 例句与用法
  • It may be suggested that not all types of rarity have die same genetic implications from these results
  • There are very low genetic variation existing in the population due to bottleneck events and small effective population size
  • Already resources are depleting , with the report showing that vertebrate species populations have declined by about one - third in the 33 years from 1970 to 2003
  • Considering the distribution of the species , the sizes and grounding patterns of stone are of critical importance , but the kinds of stone have n ' t any significance
  • Furthermore , the study indicated that the genetic diversity of the natural population of reawnuria soongorica increased with the decreasing of the content of organic matter , water , total n and total p in soil , which had some relation with more potentiality of the genetic and variation of reawnuria soongorica in its long - term evolution to adapt worse environment
    经分析表明,无叶假木贼种群与角果藜种群的shannon多样性指数分别为0 . 1403和0 . 1615 ,基因分化系数( g _ ( st ) )为0 . 1469和0 . 1659 ,揭示了两物种种群遗传变异多存在于亚种群内,亚种群间的遗传分化则不明显。
  • And the populations of p . cicutarrifolia exhibit clumped distribution in zhejiang , hubei , jiangxi , anhui etc . furthermore , the population size is small , and its number is scare , and every population is n ' t dominant in its community , which resulted in their endangered state , for which habitat fragment and artificial damage are mainly responsible
  • The competition among those species like s . tsinyunensis , dryopteris erythrosora and veronicastrum stenostachyum etc . , is intense in the communities , which may be one of the reasons why s . tsinyunensis is going to be endangered and with a very restricted distribution . the distribution patterns of the seven populations of s . tsinyunensis are clumped among the eight populations we studied , except population v of random distribution . the spatial pattern of 6 populations of s . tsinyunensis have high consistency with the negative binominal distribution , while another 2 populations , i . e . , i and iii are poisson distributions
    6 )缙云黄芩各种群空间分布格局基本呈聚集分布,其中7个种群的分布格局类型是聚集分布,其聚集强度较高,另有一个种群为随机分布;其种群的离散分布拟合结果也严格符合一定的数学模式,其中负二项分布、 poisson分布分别是该物种种群空间分布的理论分布模式,其中6个种群拟合出的结果是负二项分布,种群i和种群m拟合出的结果是poisson分布。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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