种种 all sorts of; all kinds of; a variety of 设置了种种障碍 put up all sorts of obstacles; 由于种种原因 for a variety of reasons; 用种种手段 by hook or by crook; resort to every means; resort to every trick; 凡此种种, 不一而足。 such instances are legion
种群 population◇种群平衡 population balance; 种群生态学 genecology; 种群调节 population regulation
物种 [生物学] species; speci-◇物种起源 origin of species; 物种起源学说 theory of origin of species; 物种形成 speciation; 物种学 speciology; 物种转化 species transformation
It may be suggested that not all types of rarity have die same genetic implications from these results 这提示,并非所有的稀有物种种群具有一样的遗传含义。
There are very low genetic variation existing in the population due to bottleneck events and small effective population size 由于瓶颈效应和有效种群小,使得该物种种群遗传多样性贫乏。
Already resources are depleting , with the report showing that vertebrate species populations have declined by about one - third in the 33 years from 1970 to 2003 资源正逐渐被耗尽。报告显示,从1970年到2003年的33年间,脊椎物种种群已经减少了近三分之一。
Considering the distribution of the species , the sizes and grounding patterns of stone are of critical importance , but the kinds of stone have n ' t any significance 对此物种种群分布来说石头大小和着地样式至关重要;但石头种类,即石灰石还是花岗石,影响不大。
Furthermore , the study indicated that the genetic diversity of the natural population of reawnuria soongorica increased with the decreasing of the content of organic matter , water , total n and total p in soil , which had some relation with more potentiality of the genetic and variation of reawnuria soongorica in its long - term evolution to adapt worse environment 经分析表明,无叶假木贼种群与角果藜种群的shannon多样性指数分别为0 . 1403和0 . 1615 ,基因分化系数( g _ ( st ) )为0 . 1469和0 . 1659 ,揭示了两物种种群遗传变异多存在于亚种群内,亚种群间的遗传分化则不明显。
And the populations of p . cicutarrifolia exhibit clumped distribution in zhejiang , hubei , jiangxi , anhui etc . furthermore , the population size is small , and its number is scare , and every population is n ' t dominant in its community , which resulted in their endangered state , for which habitat fragment and artificial damage are mainly responsible 安徽羽叶报春呈斑块状分布于安徽黄山、石台、休宁、宁国、泾县、歙县、黟县等南部山区,毛茛叶报春呈岛屿状分布于浙江、安徽、湖北、江西等省。两物种种群少且种群小,在群落中都不占优势。
The competition among those species like s . tsinyunensis , dryopteris erythrosora and veronicastrum stenostachyum etc . , is intense in the communities , which may be one of the reasons why s . tsinyunensis is going to be endangered and with a very restricted distribution . the distribution patterns of the seven populations of s . tsinyunensis are clumped among the eight populations we studied , except population v of random distribution . the spatial pattern of 6 populations of s . tsinyunensis have high consistency with the negative binominal distribution , while another 2 populations , i . e . , i and iii are poisson distributions 6 )缙云黄芩各种群空间分布格局基本呈聚集分布,其中7个种群的分布格局类型是聚集分布,其聚集强度较高,另有一个种群为随机分布;其种群的离散分布拟合结果也严格符合一定的数学模式,其中负二项分布、 poisson分布分别是该物种种群空间分布的理论分布模式,其中6个种群拟合出的结果是负二项分布,种群i和种群m拟合出的结果是poisson分布。