- 神 god; deity; divinity
- 苏醒 revive; regain consciousness ...
- 苏醒 1.(昏迷后醒过来) revive; regain consciousness; come to; come round 他们在她床边守了三天三夜, 等待她苏醒过来。 for three days and nights they watched by her bed waiting for her to come round.2.[医学] analepsia; analepsis; palinesthesia; revivtication; 苏醒剂 [药理学] an aleptic
- 神之 godly
- 今日之苏联 konnichi no soren
- 之苏迷卢 sumenu
- 半苏醒 torpor
- 大苏醒 the great awakening
- 共计,苏醒 come to
- 使苏醒 bring to life; fetch to; recall sb to life; recall to life; resuscitation; revive = come to oneself = come to one's life = come to one' s sense; wake
- 苏醒,顺访 come around
- 苏醒,共计 come to
- 苏醒;总计 come to
- 苏醒剂 denesthesiant
- 苏醒了 wake up,the stream
- 苏醒球 ambu
- 苏醒日 glad
- 苏醒术 awaken
- 苏醒舞 treguenda
- 苏醒者 cyborg
- 精神之 spiritual
- 神之宠 michale
- 神之岛 island god extended
- 神之道 the word of god
- 神之滴 god's drop