共计 altogether; grand total; aggregate; amount to; add up to; total 我们一家的开销每月共计四百元。 the monthly expenditure of our family is four hundred dollars altogether. 这个医院的女医生、女护士共计二百零五人。 the women doctors and women nurses in the hospital add up to two hundred and five
苏醒 1.(昏迷后醒过来) revive; regain consciousness; come to; come round 他们在她床边守了三天三夜, 等待她苏醒过来。 for three days and nights they watched by her bed waiting for her to come round.2.[医学] analepsia; analepsis; palinesthesia; revivtication; 苏醒剂 [药理学] an aleptic
使苏醒 bring to life; fetch to; recall sb to life; recall to life; resuscitation; revive = come to oneself = come to one's life = come to one' s sense; wake