- 犹 just as; just like; as if
- 中 hit; fit exactly
- 犹自乐 and happy
- 犹在寻找看不见的激情 felt passion so bright that i was blind
- 犹冢 naozuka
- 犹在镜中 through a glass darkly
- 油 Ⅰ名词1.(脂肪; 油脂) oil; fat; grease 动物[矿物, 植物] 油 animal [mineral, vegetable] oil; 猪油 pork fat; lard; 水油不相溶。 oil and water do not mix. 油快用完了。 the oil is running short.2.(姓氏) a surname 油超 you chaoⅡ动词1.(用桐油、油漆等涂抹) apply tung oil or paint 油门窗 paint the doors and windows; 油饰一新 freshly varnished [painted]; 我将把大门油成绿色。 i shall paint the gate green.2.(被油弄脏) be stained with oil or grease 衣服油了。 the coat has got oil stains on it.Ⅲ形容词(油滑) oily; glib 这家伙嘴油得很。 the fellow has a very glib tongue
- 犹缘木而求鱼 like climbing trees to look for fish
- 油(气)膜振荡 oil/gas whip
- 犹原 konohara; manohara; monohara; naohara; narahara
- 油-空气式滑油冷却器 oil to air lube cooler
- 犹豫着 waveringly