- 油 oil; fat; grease
- 气 gas
- 膜 membrane
- 振荡 generation; oscillating; osc ...
- 摆动(油,气)缸 oscillating cylinder
- 气膜振荡 gas whirl
- 油膜振荡 oil whipping; oil whirl; whip
- 油 Ⅰ名词1.(脂肪; 油脂) oil; fat; grease 动物[矿物, 植物] 油 animal [mineral, vegetable] oil; 猪油 pork fat; lard; 水油不相溶。 oil and water do not mix. 油快用完了。 the oil is running short.2.(姓氏) a surname 油超 you chaoⅡ动词1.(用桐油、油漆等涂抹) apply tung oil or paint 油门窗 paint the doors and windows; 油饰一新 freshly varnished [painted]; 我将把大门油成绿色。 i shall paint the gate green.2.(被油弄脏) be stained with oil or grease 衣服油了。 the coat has got oil stains on it.Ⅲ形容词(油滑) oily; glib 这家伙嘴油得很。 the fellow has a very glib tongue
- 气 Ⅰ名词1.(气体) gas 毒气 poisonous [poison] gas; 煤气 coal gas; gas; 沼气 marsh gas; methane2.(空气) air 打开窗子透一透气 open the window to let in some fresh air; 给气球充气 blow air into a balloon; 这球已打足了气。 the ball is fully swelled with air.3.(气息) breath 喘不过气来 lose one's breath; gasp for breath; 上气不接下气 be out of breath; gasp for breath; 停下来歇口气 stop to catch one's breath; 气喘喘地说出几句话 gasp out a few words; speak between pants; 我怎么也缓不过气来。 i could not get my breath anyhow.4.(自然界冷热阴晴等现象) weather 秋高气爽 fine autumn weather5.(气味) smell; odour 臭气 bad odour; foul smell; 香气扑鼻。 a sweet smell assailed the nostrils.6.(精神状态) spirit; morale 垂头丧气 in low spirits; 打气 boost the morale; cheer on; 朝气勃勃 vigorous; full of youthful vigour; 气可鼓而不可泄。 morale should be boosted, not dampened.7.(作风; 习气) airs; manner; style 官气 bureaucratic airs; 孩子气 childishness; 书生气十足 bookish in the extreme8.(受到的欺侮) insult; bullying 忍气吞声 swallow an insult; submit to humiliation; 过去, 在那个封建家庭里, 她受了不少气。 in the old days, she used to be bullied in the feudal family.9.[中医] (人体内能使各器官正常地发挥机能的原动力) qi; vital energy; energy of life 元气 vitality; vigourⅡ动词1.(生气; 发怒) get angry; be enraged 气得直哆嗦 tremble with rage; 他为受到愚弄而气得发昏。 he got insanely angry at being made a fool of.2.(使人生气) make angry; enrage 我故意气他一下。 i was deliberately trying to annoy him.; i got him angry on purpose
- 气 气 ch’i
- 薄膜振动 vibration of membrane; vibrations of thin membrane
- 鼓膜振动器 vibrophone
- 运动膜振幅 amplitude of moving membrane
- ka油 ka oil
- lb油 lb-oils
- 波箱”油 gearbox oil
- 油;石油 oil
- 石 油 润 滑 油 petroleum oils
- pr气 pr gas
- (气)锋 front
- (气)针孔 gas pin
- β-气 beta-gas
- 捕鼠“气” mouse hunt
- 空气,气 air
- 气 固怜 gas solid flow