- 牛顿 large dyne; newton
- 时间 time; hour
- 牛顿时 newtonian time
- 停顿时间 deadtime; down time; dwell time; time, dead
- 吸气停顿时间 tpl
- 系统停顿时间 system downtime
- 顿时 immediately; suddenly; at once; forthwith; in a short space 会场上顿时沸腾起来了。 the meeting hall was seething at once. 他一讲话, 大家顿时安静下来。 immediately on his beginning to speak, everyone was silent
- 呼吸间歇时间,呼吸停顿时间 expiratory pause time
- 吸气间歇时间,吸气停顿时间 inspiratory pause time; tpl
- 牛顿绝对时间 newtonian a olute time; newtonian absolute time
- 牛顿 [力学] large dyne; newton (n)◇牛顿环 newton's ring; 牛顿万有引力定律 newton's law of gravitation; 牛顿引力理论 newton's theory of gravitation; 牛顿运动定律 newton's law of motion
- 【语言】停顿时刻。 terminal juncture
- 奥平顿时代 orpinton times
- 顿时错乱 [计算机] instant insanity
- 华盛顿时报 the washington times; washington times
- 韦林顿时报 wellington times
- 沃尔顿时报 walton times
- 牛顿牛顿 newton
- 波克林顿时报 pocklington times
- 百牛顿 hectonewton
- 非牛顿 non-newtonian
- 朗牛顿 long newton
- 拟牛顿 quasinewton
- 牛顿草 didiplis diandra
- 牛顿的 newtonian