华盛顿大学 george washington university, washington dc; u of washington; university of washington, seattle, washington; washington college; washington university (mo)wustledu; washington university in st louis; washington university in st.louis
3 the washington times newspaper quotes unnamed u . s . intelligence officials as saying that is exactly what happened 华盛顿时报引用匿名美国行政人员的观点表示这次核试验的真实性。
One ad cites an admiring quote in the washington times from early december : " canada may elect the most pro - american leader in the western world 有一个广告引用了《华盛顿时报》 12月早期刊登的一段赞赏哈帕的话: “加拿大可能选出西方世界最亲美的领导人。
" forgive me for speaking truth in a classroom . " - asking forgiveness after informing the class that the moonies own the washington times , 27 september 2001 “原谅我在教室里说实话。 ”在教室里通报学生说,华盛顿时报控制在一群神经病手里之后,请求学生的宽恕, 2001年9月27日。
The washington times ran an op - ed piece lambasting him for holding a fund - raising breakfast for hillary clinton , “ the scariest spectral [ sic ] of conservative nightmares ” 《华盛顿时报》开设的社论版以他为希拉里?克林顿举办募款早餐会为由对之口诛笔伐,称他为“保守主义者最为恐怖惊惧(原文如此)的噩梦” 。