- checking up on the projects under construction
- checkingupontheprojectsunderconstruction
- 清理 put in order; clean; disenta ...
- 项目 item; article; clause; subje ...
- 在建项目 project in construction
- 在建项目后续资金 additional funding for projects under construction
- 筹建项目 project preparing to construct
- 改建项目 reconstruction project
- 改扩建项目 expansion and reconstruction project
- 基建项目 capital construction project; infrastructural project; infrastructure project
- 扩建项目 expansion projects; extension projects
- 迁建项目 removal project
- 停缓建项目 stopped and suspended project
- 停建项目 ceased project
- 新建项目 grassroot project; new project/workspace
- 创建项目交货 create delivery from project
- 基建项目基金 capital project funds
- 停建缓建项目 ceased and deferred project; projects were suspended or deferred; suspend or cancel projects; suspendorcancelprojects
- 续建项目费用 expenses for continued project
- 组建项目团队 build project team
- 河内道重建项目 hanoi road redevelopment; hyatt regency hong kong
- 基建工程;基建项目 infrastructure project
- 停建的基建项目 stopped capital construction item; stopped capital construction project
- 新开工的基建项目 newly started capital construction project item
- 续建的基建项目 continuing capital construction item; continuing capital construction project
- 战患社会重建项目 war-torn societies project
- 在建国债资金项目 on-going bond-financed projects