- 海面 sea level; sea surface; sea
- 进退 advance and retreat
- 运动 arrange things or get things ...
- 海面进退 eustasy; eustatism
- 冰川海面进退 glacioeustasy
- 海面升降;海面进退 eustasy
- 后退运动 retreated movement; retrogressive movement
- 海面升降运动 eustatic movements; eustaticmovement
- 进退 1.(进和退) advance and retreat 进退出没 withdraw attack or take cover2.(分寸) sense of propriety 不知进退 have no sense of propriety
- 地壳运动性海面升 diastrophic eustatism
- 海面 sea level; sea surface; sea◇海面标志 [工业] sea marker
- 地壳变动海面升降运动 diastrophic eustatism; diastrophiceustatism
- 第四纪海面升降运动 quarternary eustatic movement
- 构造性海面升降运动 diastrophic eustatism
- 积沉性海面升降运动 sedimento eustatism
- 铁路运输退运单 re-sending consigment note; re-sending consignment note t2l
- 背面进攻 backside attack
- 不知进退 (没有分寸) have no sense of propriety; not know where to stop
- 侧面进攻 flank offense
- 侧面进料口 side feed opening
- 侧面进气道 cheek-type airintake; off-axis inlet
- 侧面进气口 lateral intake; side intake
- 侧面进水 lateral inflow; lateralinflow
- 侧面进针 raking
- 单面进料 single feed