Boil the potatoes until softened , then strain and dry before mashing vigorously . add the butter , double cream and mustard . mix thoroughly and season to taste with salt and pepper 土豆煮软,滤干后用力捣成泥,拌入黄油、浓奶油、芥末粉捣匀,放入适量盐和胡椒。
Relinquishing his symposiarchal right to the moustache cup of imitation crown derby presented to him by his only daughter , millicent milly , he substituted a cup identical with that of his guest and served extraordinarily to his guest and , in reduced measure , to himself the viscous cream ordinarily reserved for the breakfast of his wife marion molly 他没有使用其独生女米莉森特米莉送给他的有着王冠图案仿造德比的搪须杯,而这是他作为东道主理应享受的权利。他用的是跟客人一佯的茶碗,还给客人放了大量平素留给玛莉恩摩莉早餐时吃的浓奶油,自己却只适度地放了一点。