On the choice of criminal conciliation system in china 吴云华浓墨重彩写人生
Before the activity , our club did our best to spread propaganda to make it more absorbing 在活动前,我俱乐部方大下宣传力度,在人气上为活动添了浓墨重彩的一笔。
Through in the maps it can hardly be found , it ' s a major scene in the history of literature of modern times 小街虽在地图上难有立锥之地,但在近现代中国文化史上却是浓墨重彩的一笔。
But a link to the past wasn ' t just the same old zelda with a new look ; the gameplay and storyline matured significantly for link ' s third adventure 但回到过去不仅仅是新瓶装旧酒,游戏操作和故事情节浓墨重彩的突出了林克的第三次冒险。
The bold use of alternative wood veins in silver grey and yellowish violet , the design of shade reel will definitely add an emphasis to the whole 大胆采用银灰和紫黄构成另类的木材纹脉,帘头卷轴设计无疑为整体的勇气增添了一笔浓墨重彩。
The passion , initiative and efficiency of uk trade investment definitely contributed to the progress made by nac , said by mr . he xiaoqing , assistant president of 他们积极热情和主动高效的工作,给南汽人留下了深刻的印象,并为南汽的成功添上了浓墨重彩的一笔。 ”
Because of the different characters , views of appreciation the beauty and art interest , they develop the different manners of painting beauty in their poems 前者侧重清新雅致,以素淡的色彩工笔细描,构制优美的意境,耐人回味;后者追求浓墨重彩,七色俱全,虽重象征笔法,但更突出的特点却是直抒胸臆。
In development , the company will continue to reinforce its own funds , personnel strength , and strengthen our competitive advantages in qingdao region and the province , the country ' s capital markets operation of a written letter 在发展中,公司将不断充实自身的资金、人才实力,增强竞争优势,在青岛地区乃至全省、全国的资本市场运营中写下浓墨重彩的一笔。
He came to china to investigate education , give lectures and engage in cultural exchange more than ten times during 1920s - 1940s in the 20th century , making great contribution to sino - us cultural and educational exchange in modern times 他曾于上世纪20 40年代10余次来中国调查教育、讲学和从事文化交流活动,为近现代中美文化教育交流史写下了浓墨重彩的一笔。
We have spoken of pearl s rich and luxuriant beauty ; a beauty that shone with deep and vivid tints ; a bright complexion , eyes possessing intensity both of depth and glow , and hair already of a deep , glossy brown , and which , in after years , would be nearly akin to black 我们曾经谈到珠儿洋溢着光彩照人的美丽,是个浓墨重彩生动活泼的小姑娘:她有晶莹的皮肤,一双大眼睛既专注深沉又炯炯有神,头发此时已是润泽的深棕色,再过几年就几乎是漆黑色的了。