流行不时疫 epidemic n. a very common infectious disease in a place for a time
流行 prevalent; popular; fashionable; rage; run; in vogue 流行的式样 the prevalent fashions; 这首诗在当时十分流行。 the poem was all the rage then. 这首歌正在广泛流行开来。 the song is becoming widely popular.; 流行病 epidemic; epidemic disease; 流行唱片 a hit record; 流行词语 a buzz word; 流行感冒 la grippe; 流行歌曲 popular song; pop song; 流行歌手 pop singer; 流行歌星 pop warbler; 流行色 season [fashion] colour; 流行事物 in-thing; 流行术语 in-jargon; 流行文化 pop-culture; 流行艺术 pop art; 流行艺术家 popster; 流行音乐 pop music; 流行字眼 a vogue word
行不通 won't do; won't work; get nowhere; impractical 这个计划行不通。 this plan won't work. 这事永远行不通。 this will never do. 他提出的办法是行不通的。 his suggestion is not workable. 照这样下去是行不通的。 if we go on like this, we'll get nowhere
并行不悖 (同时进行, 不相抵触) run parallel; carry on two things at the same time without confliction [conflict]; not be mutually exclusive; both can be implemented without coming into conflict.; the parallel two don't interfere with each other