(同时进行, 不相抵触) run parallel; carry on two things at the same time without confliction [conflict]; not be mutually exclusive; both can be implemented without coming into conflict.; the parallel two don't interfere with each other
并行 [计算机] parallel; pairing; concurrence; go side by side; run parallel
行不通 won't do; won't work; get nowhere; impractical 这个计划行不通。 this plan won't work. 这事永远行不通。 this will never do. 他提出的办法是行不通的。 his suggestion is not workable. 照这样下去是行不通的。 if we go on like this, we'll get nowhere
Unfortunately, these objectives were not compatible . 可惜,这些目标不是并行不悖的。
It was possible to serve god and mammon at the same time . 敬上帝与拜财神可以并行不悖。
The two theories vary , but they are compossible . 这两种理论虽然各有千秋,但它们是并行不悖的。
Today the various networks of branches, joint ventures, and correspondent banks exist peacefully . 今天各种分行网,联营行号或代理银行同时存在,并行不悖。
We are committed to joining with you to advance our many parallel strategic and bilateral interests . 我们决心同你们一道发展我们在战略和双边关系方面的许多并行不悖的利益。
In plain language, china and the united states agreed on the need for parallel policies toward the world balance of power . 讲得明白些,就是中国和美国同意有必要执行并行不悖的政策维持世界的均衡。
His non-appearance afforded shelton another proof of the delicacy that went hand in hand with the young vagrant's cynicism . 他不来,对谢尔顿又一次证明了他是通达人情的,这种通达人情是跟那位年轻流浪汉的讥诮癖性并行不悖的。
Modern athletes training : science and humanism are not mutually exclusive 科学精神昌大与人文精神弘扬并行不悖
The two contrary developments are both dangerous and of destructive power 这两个方面并行不悖,统一在共同的伦理基础之上。
The modernization goes side by side with protection of the traditional pattern of streets and canals 苏州的现代化进程与保护传统的街道、运河格局并行不悖。
并行不悖的韩语:【성어】 두 가지 일을 한꺼번에 치러도 사리에 어그러짐이 없다. 这两条措施不但并行不悖, 而且互为补充; 이 두 조치는 병행해도 서로 모순이 되지 않을 뿐만 아니라 서로 보완해 준다
并行不悖的俄语:pinyin:bìngxíngbúbèi идти вместе, не мешая друг другу (не нанося ущерба один другому)
并行不悖什么意思:bìng xíng bù bèi 【解释】同时进行,不相冲突。 【出处】《礼记·中庸》:“万物并育而不相害,道并行而不相悖。” 【示例】发展火力发电和水力发电,这是~。 【拼音码】bxbb 【用法】紧缩式;作谓语、定语;用于物 【英文】do not interfere with one another