气势 momentum; imposing manner 气势宏伟的阿尔卑斯山 the majestic alps; 气势雄伟的建筑 a grand [imposing] building; 黄河的磅礴气势 the tremendous momentum of the yellow river; 以雷霆万钧的气势 with the force of a thunderbolt
非凡 outstanding; extraordinary; uncommon 热闹非凡 very lively; extraordinarily bustling; 非凡的贡献 outstanding contribution; 非凡的人 man out of the common run; 他是个具有非凡意志的人。 he is a man of extraordinary will power
气势磅礴 of great momentum; grand and magnificent; great and momentous; with a tremendous momentum; powerful 历史洪流气势磅礴, 奔腾向前。 the historical tide is surging forward with great momentum
In the changed landscape of downtown it is our undisturbed beauty , grown ever more stately each year 在业已改变的市区景观中,它依旧是一道美丽的景致,年复一年,越发显得气势非凡。
The umbrella - like structure of three tiers stands on a six - meter - high white marble circular terrace and is 32 meters high and 24 . 2 meters around at the base 殿高32米,底部直径24 . 2米,巍然屹立于6米高的汉白玉圆台上,大有拔地擎天之势,恢弘壮观,气势非凡。
In ancient times , altar was extremely magnificent , where was placed famous “ 6 horses of zhaoling mausoleum ” and “ stone - carving statues of chiefs of tribes of 14 countries ” 当年祭坛建筑宏伟,气势非凡,著名的“昭陵六骏”和“十四国酋长石刻像”就列置其内。
The month of october 2005 , the kennedy center of washington dc presented the largest celebration of chinese performing arts in american history 震天巨响,强光烈焰,闪亮了华府的夜空,气势非凡的中国“龙卷风”震憾了美国的首都,在华盛顿掀起了一股强劲的中国文化旋风!
Tai mo shan , hong kong s highest point , has an arresting aura ; the sheer slopes of needle hill and grassy hill , albeit lesser in height , are equally compelling ; the green trail that meanders deep into tai po kau opens up a secret world of abundant wildlife ; while the wooded shing mun valley , with its placid reservoir , never fails to charm . to complement all this are forest streams , gullies , and ravines , offset by rushing cascades that shoot down from great heights . every piece of this lovely country has its own magic 高度列于全港之冠的大帽山固然气势非凡,针山草山的峻峭挺拔也毫不逊色大埔?曲径通幽之处,总是生机盎然城门夹道林荫,碧水粼粼尚有无数的树林溪谷,丘壑间飞流直泻的壮丽瀑布,各自蕴藏著精彩的野趣,教人目不暇给再加上四季变化多端的色彩,入目所见,尽是一幅幅最精致动人的风景画。
In the luxurious and uncommon meeting rooms and halls of haitian celebrity building , you are shuttling among the commerce rooms 、 chinese and west restaurants 、 pattery bar 、 alcohol bar 、 piano platform 、 ktv room 、 swimming pool 、 sauna bathroom … … open , romantic , respected , easy , free , quiet … … are included in haitian celebrity building , your possess will more brilliant , getting along with 500 famous person day and night , do business and spend social life time , to show your great foresight by another way 在海天名人豪华别致,气势非凡的会所里,您的身影或穿梭于商务间、中西餐厅,或流连于陶吧、酒吧、琴台、 ktv包房、泳池、桑拿室… …开放的,浪漫的,尊贵的,安逸的,休闲的,宁静的… …入主海天名人广场,您的拥有更显辉煌,与500位名贵朝夕相处,商务社交,以另一种方式,让您高瞻远瞩。