气势 momentum; imposing manner 气势宏伟的阿尔卑斯山 the majestic alps; 气势雄伟的建筑 a grand [imposing] building; 黄河的磅礴气势 the tremendous momentum of the yellow river; 以雷霆万钧的气势 with the force of a thunderbolt
气势磅礴 of great momentum; grand and magnificent; great and momentous; with a tremendous momentum; powerful 历史洪流气势磅礴, 奔腾向前。 the historical tide is surging forward with great momentum
The building around the circus are rather nondescript, though some of them are large and quite imposing . 广场四周的建筑群颇为难以形容,虽然其中有些气势雄伟,十分壮观。
In five minutes we were once more on our way through the ruined city, which loomed on either side through the grey dawning in a fashion at once grand and oppressive . 五分钟后我们又穿过城市的废墟上路。在黎明时分黯淡的光线中,路旁的残垣断壁的轮廓依稀可辨,显得气势雄伟而又令人感慨万千。
The massive towers , the donjon keep , 气势雄伟的塔楼和城堡的主垒,
We were all impre ed with the magnificence of ru ia ' s winter palace 气势雄伟的俄国冬宫给我们留下了深刻的印象。
We were all impressed with the magnificence of russia ' s winter palace 气势雄伟的俄国冬宫给我们留下了深刻的印象。
The casino has eight zones reflecting the multi - faceted nature of greek culture 主要的景点包括气势雄伟的大堂、 4
Yan - pei ming is known for his large and powerful , mainly monochrome black , white or red oil paintings 严培明以其气势雄伟的巨幅油画而得名,他的油画以单黑、单白或单红色为主。
Facing yongjiang river , after the forest qunfeng momentum majestic scenery excellent , not - to - high - water and deep - not known 面临邕江,后倚群峰,气势雄伟,风景绝佳,素以山不高而秀,水不深而清著称。
Grand building was constructed on the slope of the hill , which demonstrates a combined style of t1betan and han architecture 全部建筑依山势垒砌,群楼重叠殿宇磋峨,气势雄伟体现了藏式建筑的特色和汉藏文化融合的风格。
Distance from the fair 1km , from the railway station 2km , from the see 250km , from the airport 30km , from the lake 5km 豪华舒适的金都大酒店占据极为便利的交通地理位置,傍依风景秀丽的人民公园,毗邻气势雄伟的广西区体育场