- the right of the separation of the nations
- 民族 nation; nationality; nationa ...
- 权 counterpoise; weight power; ...
- 民族分布 habitat of nationality
- 民族分离权 the right of the secession of the nations
- 民族分离主义 national separationism
- 民族分裂势力 ethnic separatist forces; forces of ethnic separatism
- 民族分裂主义 ethnic separatism
- 分立 discreteness; schism; splitting (seperation)
- 中立权 neutral rights
- 独立权利 independent right
- 裸立权人 naked writer
- 中立权利 neutral right
- 芳香族分子 aromatic molecule
- 结构族分析 structural group analysis; type analysis
- 碳族分析 carbon group analysis
- 烃类族分析 hydrocarbon group analysis; hydrocarbon type analysis; hydrocarbon type test
- 烃族分析 hydrocarbon type test
- 种族分布学 ethnogeography
- 种族分化 raciation
- 种族分界 color line
- 种族分界线 color line
- 种族分析 racial analysis
- 种族分枝 cladogenesis
- 民族 nationnationalitynational reconciliation
- 分立;分局 separate