分布 distribute; spread; scatter; distribution 人口分布 population distribution; 分布在全国各地 be distributed throughout the country; 彝族主要分布在云南、 四川和贵州三省。 the yi nationality is distributed mainly over yunnan, sichuan and guizhou provinces. 有些种类的植物分布得很广。 some types of plants are widely distributed.; 分布不均 maldistribution
In the second part , the thesis expounds the cultural background for emergence and development of ethnic minorities " bilingual education in the educational environmental scopes of unbalanced distributions and diversities of languages and social cultures 第二部分从民族分布的不平衡性、民族语言文字及其使用的复杂性和社会文化的多元性等教育生态环境的角度阐述了少数民族双语教育产生和发展的文化背景,论述了实施少数民族双语教育的客观必然性和长期复杂性。
It concludes the basis of the tujiazu and the miaozu and the name of the tujiazu and the miaozu ; the tujiazu and miaozu in xiangxi area and their relationship with other ethnic from the qing period to the tang and song period ; the tujiazu and miaozu in xiangxi area and their relationship with other ethnic in yuan and ming dynasty period ; the tujia and miaozu in xiangxi area and their relationship with other ethnic in qing dynasty period ; the tujiazu and miaozu in xiangxi area and their relationship with other ethnic from the tar war to the xinhai revolution period 文章共分为七个部分,第一部分为绪论,概述了湘西土家族苗族自治州的民族分布、地理概貌、自然资源、社会历史等情况。第二部分即第一章,阐述了湘西地区民族关系的历史沿革:包括土家族和苗族的族源与族称;秦至清时期湘西地区的民族关系;辛亥革命时期至新中国建立以前湘西地区的民族关系。