The teachers are daily and hourly exercising an invisible , formative influence on the pupils' character . 教师们每日每时都在对学生的性格起着潜移默化的作用。
Every day , every hour , and every minute is special 每天,每时,每刻都是特别重要的。
" ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation . 秋天的爱,是一个曾经拥有,或许你并没有真正爱到每时都不分离那样深刻。
“ you see , i ' m one of those people who live sensibly and sanely hour after hour , day after day “看,我就是那种每天、每时都要求自己活的明智而理性的人。
Every 30 minutes a luxury seat bus no . 203 departs from bus stop 9a , 1st floor , incheon international airport 仁川国际机场1层7号乘车位每时10分, 40分出发223路公共汽
Warm wishes will be with you today and each day , too , until you re feeling fine again and all is well with you 祝愿温馨每日每时都在你身旁,直到你彻底痊愈,一切恢复正常。
Precisely because the exchange rate is such an exceptionally important price , many find it surprising , and even alarming , that it is allowed to fluctuate from day to day , from hour to hour , and even from minute to minute , according to the vagaries of market forces 恰恰由于货币兑换率是这样一种特别重要的价格,允许它根据市场反复无常的力量每日每时甚至每分钟都上下浮动,使很多人感到惊讶甚至担忧。
But later on we realise that it may cause spiritual loss if we do not grasp the truth that each day and each hour it is only through faith in christ and in living union with him , that we can enjoy a full and abiding fellowship with god 但是慢慢的我们就要看见,如果不了解下面所说的真理,必定有属灵的损失;这个真理就是每天每时只有借着信,在基督里与他有活的联合,我们才能享受神的完全并同在的交通。
" nevertheless , " said the mother calmly , though growing more pale , " this badge hath taught me - it daily teaches me - it is teaching me at this moment - lessons whereof my child may be the wiser and better , albeit they can profit nothing to thyself . “可是, ”母亲平静地说,不过面色益发苍白了, “这个牌牌已经教会了我它每日每时都在教育我,此时此刻也正在教育我,我要接受教训,让我的孩子可以变得更聪明。更美好,尽管这一切对我本人已毫无好处了。 ”
Such a burden to be left on my hands - and so much annoyance as she caused me , daily and hourly , with her incomprehensible disposition , and her sudden starts of temper , and her continual , unnatural watchings of one s movements ! i declare she talked to me once like something mad , or like a fiend - no child ever spoke or looked as she did ; i was glad to get her away from the house 这么大一个包袱落在我手里她的性情让人摸不透,她的脾气说发就发,她还总是怪里怪气窥探别人的行动,这些每日每时都给我带来那么多烦恼:我说呀,有一次她同我说话,像是发了疯似的,或者活象一个魔鬼没有哪个孩子会像她那样说话或看人。