- the brain needs a continuous supply of blood
- 大脑 cerebrum
- 每时每刻 at all times; all the time
- 都 capital
- 需要 need; want; require; demand; ...
- 血液 blood; sanguis
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 供应 supply; accommdate
- 每时每刻都不相同 feel like i'll never be the same
- 聪明的人每时每刻都会记住自己的朋友 a fool ,only when he has need of them; a wise man remembers his friends at all times
- 几乎每时每刻都在使用英语 yes. english is used almost at all times
- 我每时每刻都在爱着你,利比里亚女孩 i love you liberian girl, all the time; i love you, liberian girl, all the time
- 布兰妮斯皮尔斯每时每刻 britney spears everytime
- 我还每时每刻梦见你 and i dream about you all the time
- 为什么美时每刻都是这么痛苦 why does every moment have to be so hard
- 每时每日 every day and every minute [hour]; daily and hourly
- 血液的 haemalhemalhematic; haematic; hematal; hematologic
- 都需要帮助 everyone needs help
- 毒害血液的 hematoxic
- 减少血液的 depletive
- 属于血液的 hemic
- 血清血液的 serosanguineous
- 血液的功能 function of blood
- 血液的流速 velocity of blood flow
- 血液的组成 composition of blood
- 过多的供应 oversupply