唯物史观 [哲学] materialist conception of history; historical materialism
Idealism and mechanical materialism , opportunism and adventurism , are all characterized by the breach between the subjective and the objective , by the separation of knowledge from practice 唯心论和机械唯物论,机会主义和冒险主义,都是以主观和客观相分裂,以认识和实践相脱离为特征的。
Idealists stress motive and ignore effect , while mechanical materialists stress effect and ignore motive . in contradistinction to both , we dialectical materialists insist on the unity of motive and effect 唯心论者是强调动机否认效果的,机械唯物论者是强调效果否认动机的,我们和这两者相反,我们是辩证唯物主义的动机和效果的统一论者。