

  • mechanical materialism



  • 例句与用法
  • Galileo strongly fought against the traditional ideas of the aristotle ' s theories , and he formed the thought of identity , continuance and dialectical materialism in course of his scientific research . he had written the book dialogue concerning the two chief world systems - ptolemaic and copernican to refute the theory that the earth was static , and push the copernicus " revolution forward by protecting and advocating the cosmic principle of copernicus ; he get many scientific theories by making a thorough study of motion , so provided the materials need of which newton was ; he applied the scientific method firstly in history of science which combined mathematical inference with experience and observation organically , and entrusted modern meaning to some old - time methods , so advanced the development of scientific knowledge greatly and began the history of modern physics
    伽利略强烈反对亚里士多德式的传统思维观念,在长期深入的运动研究中发展了同一性和连续性思想,以及把物质性质划分为两类的机械唯物主义思想;他著书立说驳斥“地静说” ,捍卫和宣扬“地动日心”的宇宙结构,推动了“哥白尼革命” ;他深入研究运动,获得大量科学理论,为牛顿综合提供了丰富的材料;他在科学史上首次使用数学演绎与观察实验有机结合的科学方法,并赋予一些古老研究方法以现代含义,大大推进了科学认识的发展,开创了现代物理学历史。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 机械唯物主义的法语:Mécanisme (philosophie)
  • 机械唯物主义的日语:〈哲〉機械的唯物論.
  • 机械唯物主义的韩语:[명사]〈철학〉 기계론적 유물론. =[机械论]
  • 机械唯物主义的俄语:Механицизм
  • 机械唯物主义什么意思:jīxiè wéiwù zhǔyì 形而上学的唯物主义,十七世纪和十八世纪盛行于欧洲。它肯定世界是物质的和运动的,同时用机械力学原理来解释一切现象和过程,用孤立的、片面的观点观察世界,把自然界和社会的变化过程归结为数量增减、位置变更,把运动看作是外力的推动,否认事物运动的内部原因、质的变化和发展的飞跃。也叫机械论。
  • 推荐英语阅读
机械唯物主义的英文翻译,机械唯物主义英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译机械唯物主义,机械唯物主义的英文意思,機械唯物主義的英文机械唯物主义 meaning in English機械唯物主義的英文机械唯物主义怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
