花卉 1.(花草) flowers and plants2.[美术] (以花草为题材的中国画) painting of flowers and plants in traditional chinese style◇花卉产业 the industry of flowers and plants; 花卉画 flower-and-plant painting; flower piece; 花卉图案 ramage; 花卉学家 floriculturist; 花卉园艺学 floriculture; flower gardening; 花卉栽培技术 floristry; 花卉栽培业 floriculture; 花卉装饰 flower decoration
Studies on the relation between scale treatment , color change and lily bullet formation in tissue culture 彩叶木本花卉金叶莸的引种与栽培
The host plants were ornamental plants , perennial / biennial root garden plants , woody flower plants , cover plants and pulpy plants , and so on 为害的寄主植物有观赏树木、宿根园林植物、木本花卉植物、地被植物及多浆植物等。
Descriptions of different types of flowers suitable for small gardens . includes phlox , nasturtium , lobelia carnation , zinnia , alyssum , begonia , and dahlia -介绍传统名花草本与木本花卉植物与花卉知识四季花卉中国市花与各国国花花卉邮票以及图片。