xyloid; woody; ligneous ◇木本油料林 woody oil forest; 木本植被 lignosa; 木本植物 xylophyta; woody plant; arbor; ligneous plant
木本plants with stiff trunks木本德 mubendi木本的 arboroid; woody木本果 tree fruit木本棉 go ypium arboreum; gossypium arboreum; tree cotton三木本 mikimoto御木本 mikimoto半木本植被 subligneta非木本植物 non-wood plant林地,木本群落 woodland木本的,木质的 woody木本花卉 ornamental trees and shrubs woody ornamental plants木本坚果 tree nuts木本筷子芥 woody rockcress木本奈美 kimoto nami木本群落 lignosa; woodland; woods木本水源 a tree has its root, a stream has its source; the root of a matter; the root of wood and the source of water -- the foundation or cause of things木本天芹菜 heliotropium arborescens / heliotrope cherry pie木本油料林 oleaginous forest; woody oil forest木本油料树 oil-bearing tree木本杂草 woody weed木本沼泽 swamp; woody mire木本植被 lignosa木本植物 ligneous plants; wood plant; woody plant; woodyplant; xylophyta木贝雅 mbeya木背观赏植物 woody ornamentals
In many plants, including most tree crops, nitrate nitrogen does not usually occur in the leaves . 在一些植物中,包括绝大多数的木本 作物,硝态氮并非经常存在于叶片中。 Plant materials for urban green space . tree seedlings 城市绿化和园林绿地用植物材料.木本 苗 Is the only woody group in the genus paeonia l . , paeoniaceae 是芍药属paeonial , paeoniaceae中惟一的木本 类群。 Arborescent phanerogamic type木本 显花植物型 Color : natural clear lacquer 颜色:榉木本 色 Supercritical gasification of wood and energy transform of ligniform biomass 木材的超临界气化和液化与木本 生物质能源转化 Kimoto . very forward木本 非常早熟 Studies on the relation between scale treatment , color change and lily bullet formation in tissue culture 彩叶木本 花卉金叶莸的引种与栽培 Present situation of exploitation - utilization and the developmental perspective of wild woody vegetable resources in china 我国野生木本 蔬菜资源开发利用现状及其发展前景 The layers of sheath cells and the diameter of cavity were correlated with taxa at subfamily and generic 一般草本类型属植物茎中分泌腔直径较小,木本 类型属分泌腔直径较大。
木本的日语 :木本木本的韩语 :[명사]〈식물〉 (1)목본(식물). →[草本(1)] (2)【문어】 나무의 뿌리.木本的俄语 :pinyin:mùběn 1) корень дерева 2) с древесным корнем; древовидный, деревянистый, древесный (в противоположность травянистому); древовидное растение木本什么意思 :mùběn 有木质茎的(植物)。木本とは意味 :木本 もくほん tree woody plant