

  • there are laws to abide by.; there must be laws for people to follow



  • 例句与用法
  • Since the p . r china found , specially , the law of compulsory education issued , the education in longlin developed rapidly by law
  • It is an economic growth pattern which conforms to the sustainable development idea . the related concepts are industrial ecology , cleaner production , waste minimization and so on
  • Above all , this essay tries to make a systematic research to the planning and designing of high - tech park by analyzing from common to individual , from abstractness to speciality so as to be followed strictly
  • In such kind of situation in order to execute the principle of administering a country by the law and enforce the construction of law must enforce economic legislation and make the economic work have the law to obey
  • We have done our best to do more with less , but we are stretched thin . in the future , as our trade and economic relationship with china continues to grow , additional staff and resources will be essential
    施里弗说,尽管中国已开始改革,但“要发展成一个透明、开放、有法可依的市场经济,前面还有很长一段路” 。
  • The pco assures that fair and impartial means would be employed in handling complaints . in the reply documents to the complainants , the pco would clearly quote the provisions of the ordinance and the reasons for their application
  • As we know , the legal effect of send - out goods letter of indemnity is solved by the " hamburg rules " for the first time . the author thinks chinese maritime law should prescribe the legal effect of two types of letter of indemnity
  • It covers the daily behavior of the members and the production etc . and is made improved and perfected in these years and , at the same time , we also draw out the working standards for every post to have the members following accordingly
  • The quality system documents are specific manifestation , the laws and regulations basis of the quality assurance system . through making the stipulation to each of quality activities , methods and more , all of the activities have regulations and laws to depend on
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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