无法 unable; incapable 无法解决的问题 an insolvable problem; 无法描述 have no words to express; 无法理解 unable to understand; 无法应付 unable to cope with;at the end of one's resources; 无法做这项工作 incapable of doing the work; 无法交付进口货物 undeliverable import goods; 无法接受要求修订报价 request for a change in offer cannot be met; 无法履行 impossibility of performance
不可想象的 inconceivable; out of this world (amazing, unimaginable); unimaginable
可想而知 have a fair knowledge of...need not go into detailyou can imaginebe imaginable
To persuade him there were some possibilities .但希特勒坚持认为已经无法可想了。
. . . to persuade him there were some possibilities . .但希特勒坚持认为已经无法可想了。
The greatest fool is he who worries about what he cannot help 操心无法可想的事是最大的傻瓜。
There is no fool like an old fool 老年荒唐无法可想。
Well , we can t help it ; we got to do the best we can with the materials we ve got 啊,实在无法可想,我们只能凭眼前的材料能做到怎么样就做到怎么样。
She was wild to be at home - to hear , to see , to be upon the spot , to share with jane in the cares that must now fall wholly upon her , in a family so deranged ; a father absent , a mother incapable of exertion and requiring constant attendance ; and though almost persuaded that nothing could be done for lydia , her uncle s interference seemed of the utmost importance , and till he entered the room , the misery of her impatience was severe 她非回家不可了要亲自去听听清楚,看看明白,要赶快去给吉英分担一份忧劳。家里给弄得那么糟,父亲不在家,母亲撑不起身,又随时要人侍候,千斤重担都压在吉英一个人身上。关于丽迪雅的事,她虽然认为已经无法可想,可是她又认为舅父的帮助是极其重要的,她等他回来真等得万分焦急。
Oh , intolerable questions , when i could do nothing and go nowhere ! - when a long way must yet be measured by my weary , trembling limbs before i could reach human habitation - when cold charity must be entreated before i could get a lodging : reluctant sympathy importuned , almost certain repulse incurred , before my tale could be listened to , or one of my wants relieved 呵,当我无法可想,无处可去的时候,那些问题多么难以忍受呀!我得用疲乏颤抖的双腿走完很长的路,才能抵达有人烟的地方我要恳求发点冷冷的慈悲,才能找到一个投宿之处我要强求勉为其难的同情,而且多半还会遭人嫌弃,才能使人听听我的经历,满足我的需要。