对…情有独钟 show special preference (favor) to; show special preference to
情有独钟 have eyes only for; i only have eyes for you; serendipity; show special favor to; show special preference (favor) to; show special preference to
情有可原 consider ... as excusable; circumstances which lessen or palliate a fault or a crime; excusable; it is excusable [pardonable].; pardonable; there are extenuating circumstances.; under extenuating circumstances; understandable 情有可原的错误 an excusable error; a venial fault
Fung is the only grandson of a busness tycoon san - fu 一个热烈追求却是公司债主一个有情有义就是未婚夫
See matters through from beginning to end . treat others with kindness and justice 做事要有头有尾,全始全终;做人要有情有义,全心全意。
Be friendly and righteous to realize the truth . experience joy and suffering to realize the truth of impermanence 有情有义,于情义中,觉悟真理;有甘有苦,在甘苦中,领会无常。
Economics , as a social science , can explain human behaviour under certain circumstances . ( e . g . , if a occur , then b occur ) however , it can ' t tell us a will occur 你估经济学万能,甚麽都可能解释。 - - - - - - - >经济学不是一种解释人类行为的科学吗?有情有义难道不是人类行为
Even confucius , as kind and affectionate as he was , couldn ' t keep from giving him such a round scolding , which goes to show how ugly it is to sit with one ' s legs spread apart 像孔子这样有情有义的人,都忍不住要骂人骂得这麽难听,可见箕踞而坐,是说多难看就有多难看了!
Zhao : from our interview we can see that gu feng is a very passionate person , and also very humorous . he told us quite a few interesting stories about learning english 赵:在采访中我们逐渐看到了一个有情有义的谷峰,也看到了一个乐观幽默的谷峰,他给我们讲了很多关于语音的小故事。
Entangled with a lizard imp , his sense of righteousness leads him to rebel against the heavens . unable to escape his fate , he embarks on his journey to collect the sutras from the west 被有情有义的蜥蜴女缠上,情义两难之下逼得大闹天宫要生要死之际顿悟个中因果,欣然踏上取经之旅
And this time , a ghost with a 13 years old boy s iq . no matter what roles he plays , he can always make the character believable , it is no wonder why he is regarded as one of the best actors , along with tony leung , francis ng and anthony wong , in hong kong now 刘青云一向擅演喜剧,继绝世好bra的狂野演出后,今次再下一成,把王劲威一角演得诙谐有趣又不失其有情有义个性,绝对是混身是戏。
As compared to cha who still loves his family and shows some emotions , this senator , who belongs to the adminstrative class of the bureaucracy , is actually the real criminal behind all the trouble . little spoiler ironically , his " mask " is still not uncovered at the end 相反,夹在中间的黑帮大哥cha seung - won虽然可憎,但却对妻儿有情有义,纵使他是片中的歹角,仍比起政客亲切实在的多。