- have already had a lover in one's heart
- 情 feeling; affection; sentimen ...
- 有所 to some extent; somewhat
- 钟 bell
- 情有所锺 su jin
- 有所 to some extent; somewhat 有所反复 oscillate; 有所改善 better; 有所借鉴 have certain experience to draw on; 有所偏好 loves it specially; 有所企图 have an axe to grind; 有所追求 be after sth.; 有所遵循 have sth. to go by
- 情之所钟 be in love with a thing [person]; sth. [sb.] on which [whom] one's love is concentrated
- 爱情有刺 great expectations
- 对…情有独钟 show special preference (favor) to; show special preference to
- 情有独钟 have eyes only for; i only have eyes for you; serendipity; show special favor to; show special preference (favor) to; show special preference to
- 情有可原 consider ... as excusable; circumstances which lessen or palliate a fault or a crime; excusable; it is excusable [pardonable].; pardonable; there are extenuating circumstances.; under extenuating circumstances; understandable 情有可原的错误 an excusable error; a venial fault
- 情有可缘 falling in love
- 情有理无 empirically or sentiently existing in essence or reality non-existent
- 情有千千结 the love letter
- 泳儿 - 纯情有罪 size gy re remix
- 有情有义 having affection and faith
- 所钟爱的,所爱戴的 beloved
- 有所思 something to think about
- 爱情有害健康 el amor perjudica seriamente la salud; love can seriesly damage your health; rmvb 406m
- 事情有八成啦 we stand a fair chance of success. most probably
- 尺有所短,寸有所长 Every man has his strong and weak points.Everyone has his shortcomings and merits.Everyone has his weak points as well as his strong ones.
- 尺有所短寸有所长 everyone has his shortcomings and merits
- 日有所思,夜有所梦 What you think about in the day,you will dream of it at night.If you are thinking about something when awake,you will continue thinking about it in your dreams.One dreams at night what one thinks in the day.
- 日有所思夜有所梦 what you think about in the day you will dream of it at night
- 心有所欲,脑有所思 the wish is farther to the thought
- 有所尝试,就有所成就 something attempted,something done