

音标:[ yǒushìwúkǒng ]   发音:
  • have sth. secure to rely on; be emboldened by the support; fear nothing with sb. at his back; feel reassured and emboldened; having sb. to back one up, one has nothing to fear.; one feels secure in the knowledge that one has strong backing.; secure in the knowledge that one has strong backing; there is no fear when one has something to fall back upon.; with someone's backing, one does not fear anything



  • 例句与用法
  • "ah," said lord warburton readily, "i'll let her dance with other people! "
  • " ah , " said lord warburton readily , " i ' ll let her dance with other people !
    “噢, ”沃伯顿勋爵有恃无恐地回答, “我愿意让她跟别人跳舞! ”
  • The apparent public support could embolden the prime minister , convincing him that by visiting yasukuni he will boost his approval ratings by showing he is unwilling to bow to pressure from china
  • The second part is about the way to set up rules in classrooms . rules are important in a classroom . without effective classroom rules . children will misbehave and the situation may become worse and worse
  • The apparent aim was to test an ability to blind them . ( 6 ) one reason cited by the americans for not negotiating a treaty is that it would give an edge to countries ( for which , read china ) that are trying to hide their efforts to build weapons for use in space
  • 其他语种释义
  • 有恃无恐的法语:avoir sur quoi s'appuyer;se sentir appuyé pour faire qch;n'avoir rien à craindre du fait de l'appui de...
  • 有恃无恐的日语:〈成〉後ろ盾があるのをいいことにして何ものをも恐れない.
  • 有恃无恐的韩语:【성어】【폄하】 믿는 데가 있어 두려움을 모르다. 遇上这样大事还不着zháo急, 定是有恃无恐了; 이런 큰 사건에 부딪히고도 초조해 하지 않는 것을 보니, 틀림없이 무언가 믿는 구석이 있는 모양이다
  • 有恃无恐的俄语:pinyin:yǒushìwúkǒng чувствовать себя вольготно при солидной поддержке, не знать страха, чувствуя поддержку за спиной
  • 有恃无恐什么意思:yǒu shì wú kǒng 【解释】因为有所依杖而毫不害怕,或毫无成忌。 【出处】《左传·僖公二十六年》:“室如悬罄,野无青草,何恃而不恐?” 【示例】他有人撑腰,所以~。 【拼音码】yswk 【用法】连动式;作谓语、定语、宾语;含贬义 【英文】be secure in the knowledge that one has strong backing 【故事】春秋时期,齐孝公想做霸...
  • 推荐英语阅读
有恃无恐的英文翻译,有恃无恐英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译有恃无恐,有恃无恐的英文意思,有恃無恐的英文有恃无恐 meaning in English有恃無恐的英文有恃无恐怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
