- 有 5年 fifteen years
- 初 at the beginning of; in the ...
- 我家有女初长成 (the first time i was 20) hp
- 美女初长成 a little romance
- 我家有男初长成 jeune homme
- 初长 initial length
- 长成 become an adult become fully developed; chosei; develointo; naganari; nagashige; the blessed blossom ~out/into
- 初长度 initial length
- 有女性 bearded lady
- 女初级律师 solicitress
- 少女初体验 prozac nation
- 长成的 grown
- 长成发 everfine
- 乳房初长 thelarche
- 最适初长 optimal length
- 最适初长度 optimal initial length; optimal length
- 没有女妖 there is no banshee only zul
- 我没有女人 updating
- 吾家有女 i have a daughter; wu jia you nu
- 有女怀春 there is a girl in love
- 有女朋友 to have a girl friend
- 有女人味的 andre
- 有女万事足 now that i've got a daughter, everything's okay
- 只有女人心 only a woman's heart
- 不等长成包 bales containing pieces of irreqular length; balescontainingpiecesofirreqularlength