- 有 5年 fifteen years
- 女人 woman
- 味 taste; flavour
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 强悍、有女人味的 carol
- 女人味 eeg; feminine; tvb; twins
- 我没有女人 updating
- 只有女人心 only a woman's heart
- 没有女人的国家 matrubhoomi
- 没有女人的男人 men without women
- 有女人气的男子 fancy pants
- 没有女人会像她那样 ain t no woman; ain't no woman
- 所有女人都会说自己超重 all women will say that they are overweight but don’t agree with them a boutit
- 男人味 mandy
- 味的 gustatorius; gustatory
- 有女性 bearded lady
- 欣-恋人味道 djrainman club rmx; djseason rmx
- 易欣 - 恋人味道 djseason rmx
- 女人 woman; womenfolk 有才能的女人 an accomplished woman
- 他不够男人味 he wasn' he wasn't man enough; t man enough
- 没有女妖 there is no banshee only zul
- 吾家有女 i have a daughter; wu jia you nu
- 有女初长成 a teenage girl
- 有女怀春 there is a girl in love
- 有女朋友 to have a girl friend
- In the 1930s there was a return to a more genteel , ladylike appearance