be prepared against want; be prepared and you won't be sorry.; have a second string [two strings] to one's bow; if one is prepared, he will be safe.; preparedness averts peril.; preparedness [prevision] prevents calamity.; where there is precaution there will be no danger.; with all precautions taken, one is safe
保持火药干燥;有备无患 keeone's powder dry; keeone's powder dry有备才能无患无备必定吃亏 if not one will suffer无患子 chinese soa erry fruit; chinese soapberry fruit; chinese soapberry seed; fructus sapindi mukorossi; sapindus mukorossii gaertn; sapium mukorossi; soap nut tree; soapberry有备用功率 with power to spare安全无患 free [safe] from danger南部无患子 southern soapberry; southernsoapberry三叶无患子 threeleaf soapberry; threeleafsoapberrysapindustrifoliatus无患树皮 chinese soapberry phloem无患子粉属 sapindaceidites无患子碱 timboning无患子科 family sapindaceae; sapindaceae无患子目 oder sapindales; order sapindales; sapindales无患子皮 chinese soapberry fruit; timbol无患子属 sapindus无患子叶 chinese soapberry branchlet and leaf无患子皂苷 soapnut saponin无患子皂甙 sapindoside; sapindus saponin无患子植物 soa erry; soapberry设备无关 device independence; device-independence; independent, machine设备无关性 device independence完备无缺 complete with everything needed【植物;植物学】无患子。 soap-nut无患子 (乔木, 原生, 普遍) sapindus mukorossii无患子属植物 soapberry有被果实的 angiocarpous有贝壳的 conchiferous; testaceous
I was properly insured so i am sitting pretty . 我已经有了一定的保险,因而有备无患 了。 The problem may not arise , but there is no harm in keeping our powder dry . 问题不一定会发生,但有备无患 并无害处。 She prepared for all possibilities by taking a sunhat , a raincoat and a woolly scarf . 她带了太阳帽、雨衣和毛围巾,一切都有备无患 。 Danger , a small collection of fast wanton it有备无患 ,快收藏这个小东东吧。 I was properly insured so i ' m sitting pretty 我已经有了一定的保险,因而有备无患 了 I was properly insured so i ' m sitting pretty 我已经有了一定的保险,因而有备无患 了 You should take an umbrella just as a precaution 你该带把伞,有备无患 。 Peace with sword in hand , ' tis safest making 和平时期手执剑,这样做来最保险;有备无患 。 Well , i ' m sure i don ' t know , darling . luck favors the prepared 哦,可以肯定的是我不知道有备无患 嘛 The problem may not arise , but there ' s no harm in keeping our powder dry 问题不一定会发生,但有备无患 并无害处
有备无患的法语 :se prémunir contre tout danger;prévoyance est mère de sûreté;on peut faire face à toute éventualité si l'on s'y est préparé.有备无患的日语 :〈成〉備えあれば憂いなし.有备无患的韩语 :【성어】 유비무환. 사전에 방비하면 우환이 없다.有备无患的俄语 :[yǒubèi wúhuàn] обр. быть готовым ко всяким неожиданностям [случайностям]有备无患什么意思 :yǒu bèi wú huàn 【解释】事先有准备,就可以避免祸患。 【出处】《左传·襄公十一年》:“居安思危,思则有备,有备无患。” 【拼音码】ybwh 【灯谜面】笨姑娘剪鞋样;饱带干粮晴带伞病床闲置;玄德在蜀平安 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语;用于劝诫人 【英文】brace youself for a shock