明珠暗投 cast pearls before swine -- a talented man finds his ability unrecognized; a bright pearl thrown into darkness -- a valuable thing gained by a person who doesn't know it at all; a bright pearl is concealingly thrown away; a discarded man of talents; sth. valuable or beautiful offered to one who cannot appreciate it;a good man fallen into bad company;a sparkling pearl cast into the dark -- men of talent in want of recommendation; fling a gleaming pearl into the darkness
It's the pearl in the oyster, anyway . 这是蚌里的明珠,不管怎么说。
She was a lady born, a jewel, though probably she could do no more than just read and write . 她是天生的大家闺秀,是一颗明珠,除了粗通文墨,也许什么也不懂了。
Tanggu is a shining pearl over the bohai bay 塘沽是渤海湾上的一颗璀璨的明珠。
In the morning the very venerable migyur rinpoche 尊贵的明珠仁波切正在给予口传
Viaduct accounts for 86 percent of the pearl line 摘要明珠线全长86 %是高架桥。
Add : no . 81 , binhai road , dalian , china 116013 大连华宇明珠大酒店原渤海明珠
Aluminum curtain wall for oriental pearl tv tower 生产用于东方明珠的铝幕墙板
Standard room 3 star mingzhu plaza hotel reservation 标准房3星,连云港明珠大酒店预订
West africa - the jewels of west africa shine brilliantly 西非明珠毫光闪耀
And sheabling s senior chanting masters lead this special puja 尊贵的明珠仁波切,嘉顿
明珠的韩语:[명사] (1)야광주(夜光珠). (2)【비유】 사랑하는 사람, 또는 귀중한 보배. 掌上明珠; 【성어】 손바닥 위의 보배; 지극히 사랑하는 딸자식 明珠弹雀; 【성어】 귀중한 구슬을 탄환으로 하여 새를 쏘다; 작은 것을 탐내다 큰 것을 손해 보다 (3)【전용】 훌륭한 인물.