Old words die, new words come in . 一些旧词淘汰了,另一些新词产生了。
As new words come into fashion some old ones are casualties . 随着新词的使用一些旧词就会消失。
Here, of course, the american model has not introduced a new word or destroyed the meaning of an old one . 当然,这里美国的做法不是引进一个新词或取消一个旧词的词义。
Recomposition of words : a cognitive semantic analysis 旧词重组现象的认知语义学分析
Exploration of the old and new chinese poems quot; ci quot 旧词新义探讨
It is worthwhile to explore the causes , means , and the prospect of new meanings of old words in the new age 摘要新时期现代汉语中旧词新义产生的原因、方式及其发展前景值得探讨。
The emergence of new things and phenomena and the change of social psychology are the fundamental causes for the new meanings of the old words 新事物、新现象的涌现及社会心理的变化是新时期旧词新义产生的根本原因。
Issues about new words and language , foreign language , old words ' new application , net language and grammarmatical standard aroused wide attention and fervent discussion 诸如新词新语、外来语、旧词新用、网络语言、语法规范等诸多方面都面临挑战,引起学术界的广泛关注和热烈讨论。
The occurrence of the new meanings is not merely the result of arbitrary combination of sounds and meanings but is based on the pertinences of meanings or the similarities of pronunciations 旧词新义的出现并非音义任意结合的结果,而是以意义的相关性或读音的相似性作为依据产生的。
The following article makes a probe into the characteristics of words in news english from the perspectives of word expansion , word coinage , borrowed words , heavy use of attributes , short words and so on 本文从旧词衍生、旧词派生、新词催生、外来词语、前置定语、简短词汇等方面探讨了新闻英语的词汇特点。