无依无靠 have no one to depend on [turn to]; be alone in the world; be left forlorn and without a protector; friendless and helpless; have nothing to depend on; have nowhere [no one] to turn to for help and support; no one to support for living; with nobody [no family] to fall back on
With her sister she was much alone, a lone figure in a tossing, thoughtless sea . 她和姊姊在一起,觉得非常寂寞,就像孤立无依的人落进了翻滚着狂涛的无情大海。
Dolohov was a good , and in some respects a brilliant , match for the portionless orphan sonya 多洛霍夫对没有嫁妆的而且孤独无依的索尼娅来说,是个体面的在某些方面可以说是杰出的配偶。
Sorrow in her was aroused by many a spectacle - an uncritical upwelling of grief for the weak and the helpless 许多东西会在她心里引起悲哀-那些弱者,那些凄苦无依的人,一概激起她的伤心。
Said during the ceremony , " urban group is most delighted to join this large - scale campaign of po leung kuk to concern for the needs of the singleton elderly 指出:富城集团很高兴能够参与保良局是项大型社区关怀活动,以关注本港各区年老无依的独居长者之需要。
How could i possibly prefer the spoilt pet of a wealthy family , who would hate her governess as a nuisance , to a lonely little orphan , who leans towards her as a friend 我怎么可能喜欢富贵人家一个讨厌家庭教师的娇惯的宠儿,而不喜欢象朋友一样对待她的孤苦无依的小孤儿呢? ”
All the world had frowned on her - for seven long years had it frowned upon this lonely woman - and still she bore it all , nor ever once turned away her firm , sad eyes 整整七年,全世界都曾经对她,对她这孤苦无依的女人,皱起眉头,但她还是挺过来了,从来没有一次掉转开她那坚定而伤心的目光。
Said , " urban group is most delighted to join this large - scale campaign of po leung kuk to concern for the needs of the singleton elderly , who are always depriving of care from the society 则指出:富城集团很高兴能够参与保良局是项大型社区关怀活动,以关注生活在各区年老无依的独居长者之需要。
We are most delighted to have participated in this large scale caring event of po leung kuk to concern the needs of the singleton elderly , who are being deprived of care from the society 苏启明先生续指出:富城很高兴能够参与保良局是项大型社区关怀活动,以关注生活在各区年老无依的独居长者之需要。
In december 1999 and january 2000 , practitioners distributed warm clothing and supplies to inmates of the counseling home of geng sheng protection society , hualien branch and low - income parolees under the observation of the hualien prosecution department 月份分别送御寒用品到更生保护会花莲分会辅导所给贫病孤苦无依的收容人,及花莲检察署观护人室假释出狱的低收入受保护管束人。
Calvin s magical experience is bound to stir strong feelings among many of our fellow initiates who met master after innumerable trials and tribulations . the joy in their hearts is beyond words , just as when the helpless orphan calvin finally finds a loving father 凯文传奇般的遭遇必能引发我们许多同修的共鸣,同修们历经千难万苦才遇到师父,就如同茫然无依的孤儿凯文终于找到一位慈爱的父亲一样,内心的喜悦无法言喻。